Saturday, May 23, 2009

Help Support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

My sister in law will be running a half marathon (I'm not sure on the exact date) in San Francisco this summer. And I want to show as much support as I possibly can so I put an announcement in my shop that fifty percent of proceeds from each purchase will go to support the cause. :)


And she's keeping a diary online about it:

Just in case anyone would want to read about it from her personally.

Now I have much more of reason to support my shop than I did before.

On a completely unrelated side note: I went to see Shinedown last night in concert. It was SOOOOO awesome. It was one of those concerts where there's no seats and the entire time there's people thinking (for whatever reason) that they're more important than everyone else and will push in front of people who've been standing there for literally hours so THEY can get closer to the stage. <_< I got stepped on. Literally. A lot.

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